The Advanced Wreck course surely is one of my favourites! We have some sunken ships in Sicily, and divers think they are just safe to penetrate without any precaution. But have you ever tried exiting any of them safely while blindfolded? You will immediately realise that even in a wreck well known to you this can be very tricky.
What is in the course?
In the TDI Advanced Wreck course you will practice proper line laying, lost diver, lost line and other line drills, and several skills during exit. Swimming out with a teammate while gas sharing through restrictions needs good teamwork, probably at a level which is higher than you are used to. You will practice zero visibility exits, and combine the zero visibility with gas sharing. Just to keep it fun.
Furthermore, you will learn or polish up on proper communication in an overhead environment, dive planning, and team coordination.
Many other courses are available, ask which one you would like to do!